Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg / DHBW) was founded in 2009. It follows the successful dual principle of the former Berufsakademie, which was developed more than 40 years ago and is characterized by the close connection of theoretical studies and practical training in cooperating companies and social institutions. The DHBW has a unique educational structure, which combines on-the-job training with academic studies and, therefore, achieves a close integration of theory and practice, the main components of cooperative education. The DHBW is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the German Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg with over 9,000 partner companies, the Dual Partners, and more than 150,000 graduates. On three campuses and nine locations across Baden-Württemberg, 40,000 students are currently enrolled in nationally and internationally accredited study programs in the fields of business, engineering, and social work. With over 9,000 students enrolled, the DHBW Stuttgart is the DHBW’s largest member, and also one of the largest universities in Baden-Württemberg.
Website: www.dhbw-stuttgart.de

CHALLEDU – inclusion | games | education is a non-profit organization that pioneers new models of learning, inclusion and engagement. CHALLEDU is one of the leading R&D experts in game-solutions for education and inclusion. Our team designs and implements playful experiences, games, formal and non-formal educational programs, tools, platforms and applications based on cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary approaches. We focus on 2 main sectors:
The projects in this sector focus on inclusion and empowerment of marginalized groups, such as people with disabilities, people with health problems (i.e. dementia), older people, NEETs. The aims are: social inclusion, improved employability, development of skills and competencies, advocacy. The emphasis is given to create environments where people with different abilities, cultural backgrounds and skills, and different generations can interact with each other. The approaches in this sector involve non-formal and informal education, living labs, open co-creative workshops, game-based tools, and cross-sectoral approaches.
We see education as a driver for positive societal, environmental, and innovative change. The projects developed in this sector focus on the promotion of entrepreneurship, STE(A)M education, civic and active citizenship, environmental challenges and agriculture, culture, and sustainable development. Our target groups include young people, adults, students, trainers and educators, professionals and institutions. Our approach encompasses forms of non-formal and informal education, game-based methodologies, role-model methodology, open-learning and digital tools, gamification, as well as cross-sectoral approaches.
Website: www.challedu.com

“FRODIZO” is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization for the provision of health and social care services to elderly and disabled people in order for them to retain their maximum level of autonomy and wellbeing. FRODIZO organizes and participates in various educational and research activities and initiatives that promote active ageing, ageing well, independent living and social inclusion of the elderly and disabled. FRODIZO runs also one of the national day care centers for the care of people suffering from dementia and their caregivers. It is located in Patras – West Greece. Our main activities include Health and social care services to old aged people and disabled, as well as to older people suffering from chronic diseases Social inclusion activities such as the organization of social events and raising awareness campaigns Education and training that help preserve the quality of life of older people Education and training for caregivers of older people Our personnel consist of professionals and scientists from different health and social care domains, such as gerontologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, and administrative staff. In FRODIZO are also enlisted more than 50 volunteers that constantly participate in the different activities of the organization and enrich FRODIZO’s effectiveness and fields of intervention. Furthermore, our organization disposes of a very wide network of collaborating organizations and institutions of social and health care in the periphery of Western Greece, and on a national level.
Website: www.frodizo.gr

ISRAA is an Italian public senior care provider based in Treviso. ISRAA is specialised in providing support to people with Alzheimer and dementia; we focus our research and actions on Age-Friendly environments, assistive technologies and the therapeutic function of art. We have knowledge and experience in assisting seniors to remain independent, by promoting positive feelings in an age-friendly environment. With CSD center it offers services of our “ Rete Alzheimer ” for people living with dementia and for their caregivers. CSD is composed by an interdisciplinary group of experts that promotes Person Centred Care, that focuses on the whole person and not merely on the losses or on the remaining abilities. BMSC is the new cohousing project of ISRAA. A place where people of all ages can fulfil their life plans! FABER is the project design and management hub of ISRAA. Among our partners we can count on public entities, social cooperatives and companies.
Website: www.israa.it

The Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) is an innovative and multidisciplinary higher education institution, which creates international competitiveness and well-being for Southwest Finland. As one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Finland, TUAS hosts around 8,800 students studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, with around 700 personnel. The range of our degree programs provides a good platform for interdisciplinary learning. In addition, we have developed the concept of #Innopeda, Innovation Pedagogy, a learning method, which combines studying with RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) and working life in a way that develops innovative thinking, creativity and transferable skills of students. With Innopeda, we successfully connect teaching, research and development activities, internationality and cooperation with working life. In the field of applied research, TUAS represents the top tier in the country, coordinating or acting as a partner in over 200 RDI projects every year. Website: https://www.tuas.fi/en/

University of Galway: Established in 1845 the University of Galway (formerly National University of Ireland Galway), has earned national and international recognition as a research-led university. With over 19,000 students and more than 2,700 staff, it has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence. The University has a growing international profile for its research in five thematic areas: “Enhancing policy and society, Enriching creativity and culture, Improving health and wellbeing, Realising potential through data and enabling technologies and Sustaining our planet and people”. In 2022 the University income exceeded €354 million of which over €74 million was from competitive external research funding. University of Galway is committed to the further development and implementation of responsible, fair and transparent research assessment processes and the adoption of the principles of responsible metrics: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/researchcommunityportal/responsible-metrics/
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/

Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg is one of the biggest providers of services for the elderly in Baden-Württemberg, caring for around 2,000 elderly people with a team of 1,500 employees. We offer a range of residential options from sheltered housing to in-house residential care, residential communities for older people and a generation house, as well as a wide range of services for assisted living in one’s own home. For more than 200 years the foundation incorporated under civil law and its predecessors has been following two fundamental functions: to maintain social services and facilities and to encourage and implement innovation in the social sector. It is part of our foundation mission to encourage and implement innovation in social areas. We find new answers to the constantly changing lifestyle habits as people grow older, with a great number of pilot research, innovation and praxis projects on national and European levels.
Website: www.wohlfahrtswerk.de